I got banned from the forums for making "interesting facts thread" and there were 6 replies that I'll never be able to read since the thread got deleted
idk what the fuck is going on right now bro.
please donate so i dont have to go back to work ! pay me to make stuf 4 u idk 🎃
All Glory To Hashem (IM SINGLE DM ME GALS)
Age 33
neet/DEI Specialist
B.S. in Pychology ✟✟✟
Neptune (LA) ✟✟✟
Joined on 7/26/07
I got banned from the forums for making "interesting facts thread" and there were 6 replies that I'll never be able to read since the thread got deleted
idk what the fuck is going on right now bro.
hey man sorry that happened to u and also btw, i feel that and i feel you my man. </3
unironically, are you meming?
So many tabs open
Maybe if you put effort into things. And didn't make a ton of work for the staff. ...and rated things correctly. ...and used icons proper for the ratings. ...and... Seriously, you make spammy games designed to push limits and push people's buttons and then you cry about it when it happens.
the staff are here to SERVE ME DUDE WOW
You've figured out a few things, and you whine about what you bring on yourself. Your thumbnails often don't match the ratings. Don't use racy photos (best not to use racy photos at all) and rate the game E, especially with titles like "Piss in Kim Possible's Mouth" that are also not E rated. Your games are sometimes only a shade above shovelware; some are shovelware, like the puzzle games where you throw an image you didn't create into a game template you also didn't create. You DO make a lot of work for people, and it gets annoying. Grow up. Also, resubmitting things that mods & admins have removed will get you banned.
i refuse to all that!
those pesky admins
tbf, your submissions are a lot like what was predominate on NG about 15 years ago. In fact, I was feeling pretty nostalgic lol
Not gonna lie, that video was cringe, so your shit got deleted, do you want a hug? A shoulder to cry on? Come on, bring it in, tell Little-Rena all about the big bad moderators!
that's gonna be a yikes from me bro
I just want some Blam points, dammit.
they are censoring art
Oh dear, some little teenager on their summer break's upset.
28 year old TWEEN
i told you it would happen
i bet you feel dumb right now :/
Fight The Power
Purely out of curiosity, were you…dropped much, as a child?
Stupid Fortnite Kids Are Blamming Your Sumbissions >:(
Here's how things work, dude: Content's uploaded, users rate them, then BLAM some get to the site and some don't meet the threshold. Really, there's no secret at all! There's no secret cabal of evil edgy adminlords conspiring against you. In the end, it's all about gamers and devs (sometimes both) who play and rate content based on their gaming experience on whatever was uploaded.
As other users pointed out (and myself included, in some reviews on your content - wait do you even read reviews and think about what other people have to say? Or you just dismiss constructive criticism?), most of the things you post are just cringey content meant to hurl shyte against someone, mostly THE WEBSITE CREATOR - and how would one expect just random pieces of animation and code being approved? I mean, have you ever browsed through other people's contents? Even the humble gamedevs out there, uploading some basic jumping-dude-grabbing-coins platformer, even their content get to be uploaded: Because it's not about 'quality', nor 'state-of-the-art' content - it's all about a combination of skill, effort, meaning, and collaboration. Attributes that, unfortunately, most of your banned content hardly show.
Why? Because a 'game' here doesn't need to be all flashy, doesn't need to be the Paragon of Browser Games. NG, since its foundation (and I've been here for quite a while believe me, my first account predates this one almost a decade) is about NEW GROUNDS - it's about exploring both art and programming, both creativity and personal effort, it's about sharing our gaming crafts to a healthy community of peer players and devs who can all learn and enjoy content among each other.
I hadn't actually seen every thing you uploaded here, so I can't judge the quality of all your content based on what I reviewed. But dude, the ones I reviewed were way far off the spirit of the content that's published (and approved) here.
So, you might ask, why then some of your good, non-cringey, non-whiney content got blammed? Honestly, I don't know. But I wonder if some of the people who blammed it perhaps they just saw your other questionable works and thought 'ow boy here comes that dude again shoving another cringey stuff'. You know that's a possibility, right? After all, again: It's the COMMUNITY who gets to either save or blam other users' uploads. It's people. THE 'ADMINS' YOU'RE RANTING AGAINST ARE JUST DUDES AND CHICKS LIKE YOU AND I (ok I'm not a chick but there's chicks around too - do you really expect they'd upvote a cum-filled kim possible? A tongue licking a butthole? Seriously?).
So, my dude, that's my piece of thought for you. You're an adult, but you're behaving just like a child hurt on the tummy. You're skillfull, you're creative, you're good at coding and programming, you're ok slapping sprites and graphics all together. Just cut that cringeywhiney crap out and you'll see your content being approved, believe me.
Just a final thought: the ones who are praising your 'edginess' - are they really with you? Or, are they just handing more hope to the hangman?
Some people just have no taste smh